Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book equipment?

If, at any time, you need some help with your booking please call 902-318-4048 and we will be happy to walk you through the process or create a booking for you.

On the "Home" page, select the date and time when you want to pick-up your equipment. You can then select the date and time when you would like to return your equipment.

Once your dates/times are selected, click the "Browse Equipment" button and click on the picture of the piece of equipment you wish to borrow.

Select the size you want from the drop-down menu next to the items picture and click "Add to Cart".

If you wish to add more equipment, you can navigate back by scrolling down and clicking "Equipment" or using the back button on your browser.

When you have added all the equipment you want, you can click "Check Out" on your cart. You are welcome to do so as a guest, or you can create an account.

Where do I pick up equipment?

All equipment can be picked up at Town Hall, 274 Main Street, in the Recreation Division office. The entrance to the Recreation Division office is on the College Street side of Town Hall (directly across the street from the Townhouse Restaurant).

Is there a fee to borrow equipment?

No, there is no fee to borrow equipment.

Can I keep the equipment past my scheduled return date?

If, for any reason, you know you will not be able to return your equipment on the scheduled date, please let our staff know so that we can manage future bookings.

Do you lend out skates?

No, the Town of Antigonish Recreation Division does not have skates to lend. The County of Antigonish Recreation Department does have skates, along with various pieces of adapted equipment, PFDs, and games. You can find more information about these services here: https://recreation.antigonishc...